Viscount Æríkr's Creative Journey
Bog myrtle
This experiment will consist of malt, bog myrtle and yeast only. The theory behind it is that since bog myrtle was available, and in some parts easier to come by than hops, it could be used instead. Admittedly you would perhaps use other spices as well in combination with bog myrtle but I wanted to see what taste just bog myrtle would produce before I started mixing.
The ale I used for this is an Irish ale yeast and as you might have noticed I prefer using ale yeast. The reason being is that ale yeast is most like medieval yeasts. It is a yeast I have used before and saved so I just had to wake it up again.
Look in the recipe section to see more details of the proportions.
Here is the preparation, getting the sugar out of the malt:
Measuring the bog myrtle:
Removing the malt:
Starting to get a nice hot break:
Now I just have to wait and hope it will start to brew.
It has now finished fermenting, I have moved it from one container to another to get rid of all the yeast and stuff at the bottom. It will sit there for a day or two before I bottle it.
Update 2014-02-09:
There was quite a bit of sediment at the bottom of the container so I decided to rack it again to get a better result. Stay tuned, more updates will come!
Update 2014-02-12
It is now bottled, had just a tiny, tiny sip and it tasted better than I had anticipated. More flavour with a tone of grass to it. It needs to rest a bit and I will sample it next week and give a better review of the taste.