Viscount Æríkr's Creative Journey
Being very productive!
06/02/2014 19:27This year has started out as a very productive year, I have made this page, bottled a few different kinds of beers, one mead etc. I guess making this page makes me want to do more so it doesn't become an empty shell. Although from time to time it will be rather slow as mundane life takes up quite a lot of time.
The experiments on the different kinds of beers that might have been made during medieval times continues and I come up with more ideas faster than I can brew! Which is quite interesting and challenging. The past two weeks I have started two new batches of beer and will start another tomorrow using juniper berries. I am not entirely sure how much to use or what it will do with the beer but that is a different matter all together.
Pondering on giving a class at Double Wars this year, basically the same class as I taught at Drachenwald 20 but slightly improved. Adding tasting as well as improving on some parts of it. Perhaps I should try giving it in my shire first, using them as test subjects?
On a side note, being more active with brewing also makes me more active in other A&A areas so I am finally trying to finish a good looking fencing garb! Haven't worked on that in quite a few months but finally I feel the urge to sew, that hasn't happened in say at least 6 months. Also finishing a silver necklace but ran out of silver thread and need to get some more. 14 meters of silver thread for one necklace is quite a bit but it will look very nice I hope!
Oh well, time to clean some brewing equipment so it's prepared for tomorrow.