Viscount Æríkr's Creative Journey
Long time since last update
16/03/2014 17:16It was a long time since the last update now unfortenately. Although I have not been that idle in the A&S department but the time I've had to update this blog has not been much. So what have I been up to so far? Done some more reading up on different techiniques on how to brew beer and got many more ideas and hopefully will get time to make reality of them. I find it all to easy to start one down track and think that it is the only way to do it so somtimes it is good to take a short break and look back at what you have done from a different angle. That way it is easier to change things and improve so perhaps this little break has been good. Well, break from doing things in not break from pondering and thinking about it.
During the past month I have been to Iceland and visited lots of interesting places, and boy is it wonderful to step on the ground where you know great and important things in history have occured! That is really inspiring and makes you want to continue and put in a higher gear in living the dream. During the visit I visited a microbrewry and that was something. Tasting their beer, talking about brewing, how they do it, what ingredients they use etc. And they acctually wanted my recipe for coffee beer! So I will send it to them and hopefully they can make something out of it, that would be something to be proud of.
We (me and my girlfriend) bought lots of books, icelandic sagas, and yes they are in old icelandic so now I have an even greater reason to increase my pace in learning that language. I did want to learn it to begin with and I have started, mainly because it's my girlfriends first language but also because it's period. Now, also because I can read the books as they should be read. Maybe I can find ideas to other a&s projects in them and use them as a source?
And finally today I held a brewing course for my home shire, there was room for two people to brew and some other who were interested in learning the theory. I think it went well, hopefully there will be two batches of nice beer that I might get so sample and I have inspired more people to start the wonderful art of beer making.
Now it is time for some more icelandic lessons and then take it easy I think, somehow it's exhausting to give a course that lasts about 5 hours.